Pioneering Innovation in Real Estate

Pioneering Innovation in Real Estate

The Kalikund Construction has the backing of multiple decades of expertise in the industry through the vision and entrepreneurial spirit of Mr. Kalpesh Shah. He has paved the way forward for the next generation in which we see can renewed dynamism and a better world view.

A unique dexterity in marketing grown from a fire to succeed and growth, supported by efficient administrative prowess and global level andardization on & off-site, has always kept the Kalikund Construction a step ahead from competitors. These are the respective strengths of Mr. Kartavya Shah and Mr. Raivat Shah, the next generation to take the group to new heights.


Our Projects

We build landmarks since 1992

The experience of the group varies from land acquisition, authority liaisoning, planned development, identification of project types and locations as well as construction, development and maintenance of projects commissioned under residential, commercial, retail, plotting or industrial.Kalikund as a group stands by its promise of: Transparency in Transactions. Innovation in Design and Build-form. Standard procedures for Construction Methodology and On-site Safety. Value of Product to end-user beyond what promised.

Years of Experience


Years of Experience


0 Millions +

Sq. Ft. Of Constructions

Completed Projects

0 +

Completed Projects

We Build
Kalikund Group

Have Questions?

Feel free to ask any construction or architectural questions over the phone, or get in touch via our whatsApp form below. Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff on whatsApp, who will answer as soon as they can.

Our Excellence